M04 Module Wrap-Up

In this module, you learned…

Chapter 4 provides the theoretical foundation for examining cognition across the life span. There are important connections between Chapters 3 and the present chapter, as the perceptual development, motor skills, and physical growth described in Chapter 3 are used to enhance our understanding of cognitive development. Later chapters detail cognition beyond preschool. Chapter 6 is devoted to cognitive development for school-age children and adolescents. Chapter 10 looks at cognition in the context of important life events: schooling, practical intelligence, and expertise as they relate to employment and lifestyle in early adulthood. A section of Chapter 10 is devoted to cognition in middle adulthood, and a section of Chapter 14 looks at cognition in later adulthood.

Want to know more?

In the next module, we will discuss

We look in the next module at emotions begin to develop and grow in early childhood.